Bury Standard 4 Group - Restoring 80097 and 46428

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December Update

Tuesday, 6th December, 2022


Steam Loco 80097


Nigel and our workshop team have removed steam pipes and other necessary parts in preparation for the large flue pipes to be taken out. The new pipes are expected to be delivered to us in February. 80097 is currently in the ELR Baron Street loco shed.



Our 'Sponsor A Tube' appeal continues and we have now raised the funds to pay for all the small tubes that failed earlier in the year. The bigger job of funding the replacement of the 21 large flue tubes continues. The expected cost of this task is £40,000.


Donations can be made on the 'Shop' page on this website.


We have had a fantastic response and we are very grateful to all our Supporters who have donated to this appeal.      A sincere big 'thank you' to you all.



Ivatt loco 46428


Back in our own workshop, the team of Nigel,  Alan, Bob, Derek, Dave, Ian, Aadil, Paul, Jude, Toby, Callum, Gary backed by Rodney, Dan and Alan have continued with the Ivatt restoration.



The two main steel plates of the new dragbox are being prepared for the assembly to be welded together.



A jig has been built and the new cab is being assembled ready for welding / bolting together.



The reverser mounting bracket has been refurbished and bolted in place on the main frame.



One of the new main springs buckle has been made.


So, plenty going on – fancy joining us.


Photos are:


Drag box plate being lifted


Cab being assembled in jig


Reverser mounting bracket being fitted

December Update December Update December Update